Central control system is a computer, using the configuration software, the electronic map display as well as the regional board and collected the information of the subsystems of system integration.
With computer technology, the in-core instrumentation system of Qinshan phase II nuclear power plant can automatically perform parameter acquisition, data process and information display.
The passenger information system is a computer system relying on multimedia network technology to provide information services by display terminals in stations and vehicles.
Geographic Information system is a computer system, which can obtain, store, query, integrate, transact, analyze and display the data about location of earth.
Here working conditions of the system can be either shown on a computer display or printed out with Information output system 2.
As a result, an unauthorized person is prevented from operating a computer or viewing information from the display unit when the system unit is booted by a WOL function and a control method thereof.
The multiple-information fusion places new demands on the integrated navigation computer, system hardware, software interface and the mode of navigation information display and alarm signal.
The system circuits are based on DSP and single chip computer, and can calculate the target's position information by using received acoustic signal, and display its moving curve timely on PC.
The system circuits are based on DSP and single chip computer, and can calculate the target's position information by using received acoustic signal, and display its moving curve timely on PC.