ComScore's AD Metrix Creative Summary report is designed to provide data on size, formats, and types of display ads being used by advertisers on publisher sites.
JTune: the free JTune tool can take GC logs and graphically display heap size, GC duration, and other useful memory management data.
This means the output will display a single row of data for each Product detail member whose Product size is 100 ml.
这意味着,输出将为Productsize为100 ml的每个Productdetail成员显示一行数据。
Total information display The large size LCD provides a comprehensive display of data such as ship's heading, set course, rudder Angle, and control constants.
This makes it possible to realize an image data providing apparatus, which causes an image display apparatus to display an image in a predetermined display size.
This makes it possible to realize an image data providing apparatus, which causes an image display apparatus to display an image in a predetermined display size.