JTune: the free JTune tool can take GC logs and graphically display heap size, GC duration, and other useful memory management data.
You can display these statistics graphically through the user interface described below.
In the same way that you use the Screen Designer to graphically design and test your display files, you can use Report Designer to create and test your printer files.
At this point, you have all the pieces needed to graphically display your model.
The Screen Designer gives you the capability to graphically design and modify the content of DDS display files.
Using this feature, you can gather statistics and performance data for multiple servers and display them graphically to users.
GEF assumes that you have a model that you would like to display and edit graphically.
From this display, the breakdown of where time is spent for this statement's executions is shown both graphically as a pie chart as percentages and as time values in a table.
A histogram is used to graphically summarize and display the distribution of a process data set.
Both of these utilities graphically display the paging in a more user-friendly format (see Listing 6).
Users can interact with the mashup site, such as instructing it to graphically display a map containing pushpins that reveal the details of all recent burglary crimes in South Chicago.
It helps you find differences between versions of AutoCAD drawings and display them graphically.
The trend display may selectively display the trend information either graphically or in tabular form.
In the realization, the system will not only take advantage of multi-thread technology ensuring the mining performance, but also graphically display the results of mining.
This means that it can load and display widgets (graphically rich interactive objects) on your desktop.
This means that it can load and display widgets (graphically rich interactive objects) on your desktop.