Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would start worrying about too much easy credit, raise standards for loans and disqualify buyers unlikely to be able to afford houses.
They also disqualify people seeking only part-time work—even though many people now work part-time for family reasons.
This is important to reduce any potential negative aspects that help employers disqualify you for a job.
People are going to naturally resist your product and look for justifications to disqualify it.
I reserve the right to disqualify any entry or entrant for any reason that suits me.
At any time during the contest, the Organizers reserve the right, in their sole discretion, to disqualify and remove any Music Video for any reason.
If the pipe is totally extinguished and the participant has not signaled it in due time as stated in art. 24, the time-keeper will request the jury to disqualify the participant for lack of fair play.
If the violator has the qualifications for transportation of dangerous articles, the competent transportation department may disqualify it from transporting dangerous articles according to law.
If the violator has the qualifications for transportation of dangerous articles, the competent transportation department may disqualify it from transporting dangerous articles according to law.