I just have a feeling of dissatisfaction with life in general.
I don't particularly hate anything. I just have a feeling of dissatisfaction with life in general.
Contempt for those who are not competent people to vent dissatisfaction with life, motivation and not eat grapes mentality to face things.
It may be why we are out of condition or overweight as we use escapist mechanisms such as comfort eating to compensate for our dissatisfaction with life and for the lack of energy we feel.
I've been there, and I can say that it leads to a lot of striving, and a lot of dissatisfaction with who you are and what your life is.
The phrase fed up in the context of this post is an expression or a feeling of discouragement, dissatisfaction and frustration with several issues of concern in the journey of life.
This overall lack of upward mobility, argues Mr Philippon, contributes largely to ordinary French cadres’ dissatisfaction with corporate life.
Step 2: Deal with the dissatisfaction and boredom in your life.
Book shelves and magazine racks are crammed with advice about how to handle all this, from simplifying life (easier said than done), to having it all (a recipe for dissatisfaction).
This stream resulted from our dissatisfaction with much current debate about work-life balance.
This stream resulted from our dissatisfaction with much current debate about work-life balance.