Soil profiles have the obvious diagnostic horizons and properties and characteristics of soils have distinct change along their profile depth under stable conditions of soil development.
Although the film is a complicated art, there is a very close relation between films and novels and there are not only distinct similarities but also obvious differences between them.
Of the many causes of impaired consciousness at depth, the concept of "Deep Water Blackout" is distinct from the more obvious possibilities such as co poisoning and MI.
There are no obvious difference in latent period (P>0.05), but distinct difference in amplitude of wave P100 when light amblyopia is compared with normal (P<0.05).
而正常组与轻度弱视间P100波潜伏期无明显差异(P >0.05),但振幅则有明显差异(P< 0.05)。
The method has obvious advantages of higher calculation accuracy, visualized channel morphology and distinct capability of spatial analysis of scouring and siltation locations.
Neither of them could make out any distinct words, but it was obvious Priscilla had gone to speak with her brother.
So it is obvious that the earthquakes do not always occur in the high cumulative percentage area but normally occur in the areas in which the distribution of the cumulative percentage is distinct.
There is a very close relation between films and novels and there are not only distinct similarities but also obvious differences between them.
As the result, we find: the most distinct features of LUCC in arid area mainly appeared in the oasis-desert interlocked belt, and the whole change is not obvious, but the partial variation is sharp.
Type B2, B3 thymoma have obvious atypia with rich in euchromatin and distinct nucleolus in nuclei and broad cytoplasm with projections.
Shared vision failed to enter the regression equation to forecast training appraisal. It is obvious that among OL, LO and on-job training there are distinct differences in common vision.
Shared vision failed to enter the regression equation to forecast training appraisal. It is obvious that among OL, LO and on-job training there are distinct differences in common vision.