Data access oriented transaction-processing middleware is used for distributed database transaction processing, which USES two-phase commit.
Moving data between databases — an application moving data from one database to another requires a distributed transaction.
The database which participate in a Distributed Transaction
Web services require a flexible and extensible mechanism for controlling requests and outcomes in addition to the behavior offered by traditional distributed and database transaction models.
Dan has over 20 years of experience in research and commercial distributed computing ranging over transaction and object-oriented systems, programming languages, messaging, and database systems.
If you would have a Distributed Transaction that handles two participating databases you could have a descriptor for one database something like [100, 1] and for the other database like [100, 2].
如果您有一个将处理两个参与数据库的分布式事务(Distributed Transaction),您就可以用诸如[100,1]的描述符表示一个数据库,用诸如[100,2]的描述符表示另一数据库。
The research of transaction committing and recovery mechanism is an important aspect within the distributed database research.
The recovery of the distributed main memory database is discussed in the thesis, including:dump?distributed transaction commitment and log.
The distribution of transactions and unpredictability of transaction triggering make the transaction schedule more difficult in distributed active real-time database system (DARTDBS).
Multiversion optimistic concurrency control (MVOCC) protocol and mobile transaction real-time commit (MTRTC) protocol are presented for mobile distributed real-time database systems (MDRTDBSs).
In a distributed real time database system, the only way to ensure transaction atomicity is to investigate and develop a real time atomic commit protocol.
In a distributed real time database system, the only way to ensure transaction atomicity is to investigate and develop a real time atomic commit protocol.