It is also a commendably broad study-covering a diversity of species from parrots to primates.
The company owns three nursery gardens, totally 373 mu, with a diversity of species and varieties.
Typically, these are regions with a rich diversity of species that all face a similar threat to their environment.
The diversity of species of Rhododendron is coherently related to the value of Baili Dujuan Nature Reserve of Guizhou.
To document the world's diversity of species and reconstruct the tree of life we need to undertake some simple but mountainous tasks.
Given the extraordinary diversity of life on the planet, there must be mechanisms for speciation: the formation of two species from one original species.
When burning occurs, it prevents competition among plant species from progressing to the point where some species exclude others, reducing the overall diversity of the ecosystem.
If we are to truly understand how much our cognitive lives differ cross-culturally, we must continually explore the depths of our species' linguistic diversity.
Research on the language of numbers shows, more and more, that one of our species' key characteristics is tremendous linguistic and cognitive diversity.
But in the past year half a dozen new tyrannosaur species have been described, and during the past decade the known diversity of tyrannosaurs has more than doubled.
The research found seven cat species in a 354-square-mile (570-square-kilometer) range—the highest diversity of cat species yet photographed in a single area.
The most barren region was behind the ear, with a median diversity of 15 species. In comparison, the forearm teemed with a median 44 species.
The tropics boast more than 10 times as many species of animal and plant as the Arctic, with diversity decreasing steadily as you approach the poles.
The study, published in the September issue of the Journal of the Geological Society, found that increasing CO2 levels caused foram diversity to fall from 24 species to only 4.
In summer warm water species can also be found in the Yellow Sea but the diversity was much less than that in winter and short of typical species for Kuroshio water.
AIM to study if the species difference of soman toxicity is related to the diversity of soman binding to different animal plasma and RBC.
With the coming of diversity information era, clothing products have been changed from large batches, few species to small batches, more species and bright individuality.
The Grand View Garden in plant species diversity not only, but also in the form of application and the design technique for changing.
The species pools of predatory arthropod communities in rice fields were influenced by the history of pest control, the coverage of vegetation, the diversity of environment, and climatic factors.
Screw machine product, while species diversity, but different brands of the difference between technology, are using smaller decide frequency compression technology, homogeneity serious.
More than half of Southeast Asia's coral species diversity is found in the South China Sea. 75 species of sponges and 118 species of echinoderms in the South China Sea are endemic.
The sites contain great species diversity , including the world ' s largest known variety of salmonoid fish and exceptional concentrations of sea otter , brown bear and stellar ' s sea eagle.
Genetic diversity of 16 accessions of Secale L. , representing 4 species and 8 subspecies, was evaluated using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers.
Phanerophytes(accounted for 76.54%) were dominant in the life-form, which was representative theropencedrymion of the subtropics; The community had very high species diversity.
The diversity and complexity of habitats of larvae were observed. Different mosquito larvae preferred different habitats, but symbiotic phenomenon of various mosquito species commonly existed.
But it is the American Southeast that stands out as a world center of freshwater-species diversity, especially the southern Appalachian Mountains.
Therefore, the esterase patterns can be used as one of the criteria of classification for wild rice species, and meanwhile used to reveal the fine genetic diversity in the same species as well.
The conserved region of CP gene which determines the main function shows little diversity between species.
The conserved region of CP gene which determines the main function shows little diversity between species.