The second HPC pattern, divide-and-conquer, is also known as highly parallel execution.
Listing 1. Pseudo-code for generic divide-and-conquer parallel algorithms.
清单1.通用divide - and - conquer并行算法的伪代码。
A typical parallel divide-and-conquer algorithm takes the form shown in Listing 1.
典型的并行divide - and - conquer算法的形式如清单1所示。
Divide-and-conquer algorithms are often useful in sequential environments but can become even more effective in parallel environments because the subproblems can often be solved concurrently.
divide - and - conquer算法也可用于顺序环境中,但是在并行环境中更加有效,因为可以并行处理子问题。
Besides the master-slave style parallel programming model and the divide-conquer style were also supported on GCRSE.
Besides the master-slave style parallel programming model and the divide-conquer style were also supported on GCRSE.