Modern gem stones according to the newest stone will be divided into three categories use, they are: chromatic gem, diamond and jade.
The surface is divided up into a diagonal grid punctured by diamond-shaped panels, which integrate a series of useful functions.
Jared Diamond argues in his 1992 book, the Third Chimpanzee, that these ugly behaviors have stayed with us as our common ancestor divided into chimp and human line ages seven million years ago.
Jared Diamond argues in his 1992 book, the Third Chimpanzee, that these ugly behaviors have stayed with us as our common ancestor divided into chimp and human lineages seven million years ago.
The Baseball field is divided into an in field and an out field, the in field square has the four Bases at its comers and is called the diamond.
The diamond shaped site was divided into two sites accommodating two simple boxes oriented to provide enough parking space and a passage way between the two buildings.
Binder formulations according to the distinction between varieties can be divided into diamond grinding wheel: resin bond, vitrified bond, metal bond and electroplating molding.
Binder formulations according to the distinction between varieties can be divided into diamond grinding wheel: resin bond, vitrified bond, metal bond and electroplating molding.