There you will wait in the divine presence for those you love.
The divine presence deep inside all living beings connects us eternally.
Rai Dular declared child Nanak was not a common mortal but a divine presence.
In ancient times people believed that shadows were signs of some divine presence around an object.
One of the powerful ways of invoking their divine presence is through the performance of rituals.
He sat on the Throne of Guidance, spreading external and internal knowledge, especially from the Divine Presence.
Some die from the effort, others give up, all are possessed by the sense that they are living close to a divine presence.
God is in the sadness and the laughter, in the bitter and the sweet. There is a divine purpose behind everything-and therefore a divine presence in everything.
And that feeling of divine presence you will find indeed, and feel indeed, for you will sense it behind the dance of the molecules and in yourself and in your neighbors.
In nature, the Transcendentalists saw the presence of the divine.
Nietzsche extolled Wagner to his friends, saying that in his presence he felt as if in the presence of the divine.
The Christ Presence and others aspect of the Divine Consciousness led him until today to prepare himself and share his healing and teachings.
He said, "a priest was chanting mantras, the fire was burning..." the fire is thought to be the divine, the presence of the divine.
"It comes from divine authority, " Cyprian wrote, "that a bishop be chosen in the presence of the people before the eyes of all and that he be approved worthy and fit by public judgment and testimony.
"It comes from divine authority, " Cyprian wrote, "that a bishop be chosen in the presence of the people before the eyes of all and that he be approved worthy and fit by public judgment and testimony.