This gives more than 15 years of lifetime even under the most demanding conditions, like DNA-sequencing on a daily basis.
They then ran those copies through DNA-sequencing machines to see how the samples' genes differed from the reference genes.
Using the latest DNA-sequencing technology, Dr Krause and his colleagues worked out the order of the genetic “letters” of over 1m fragments of DNA from their sample.
The team which has been sequencing Neanderthal DNA continually faces these problems.
Both methods are in the research stage and require the cost of the DNA sequencing to drop even further before they could be considered for the clinic.
Both of these are important advancements towards using graphene for DNA sequencing, "he says."
The Sanger Institute studies used powerful new DNA sequencing technologies to decode completely the genome of both tumour tissue and normal tissue from a lung cancer and a malignant melanoma patient.
Over the past 23 years, the cost of DNA sequencing has dropped 8 orders of magnitude.
Hood had been laboring to automate DNA sequencing for years, to no avail.
Jonathan M. Rothberg wants to do for DNA sequencing what Steve Jobs did for computing - spread it to the masses.
Even so, the ultimate goal is to perfect single-strand DNA sequencing, threading large sequences of DNA through nanopores and reading them as they pass through.
By feeding individual strands of DNA through nanometre-sized holes, researchers in the Netherlands say they have proved the principle of a revolutionary new DNA sequencing technique.
Electrophoresis can be used to isolate pure biomolecules from a mixture or to analyze biomolecules (such as for DNA sequencing).
Rothberg, who has spent his career working on high-speed DNA sequencing, suddenly realized in a personal way how vital understanding the human genome is to human health.
Primarily used for speech recognition research, HTK is also used for research in speech synthesis, character recognition, and DNA sequencing.
Even with the latest DNA sequencing technology, the researchers had to design a special strategy to search for the vanishingly rare mutations.
Routine personal DNA sequencing that will allow doctors to take your genome into account when considering whether to prescribe a medication with known benefits for people with a particular gene.
Sorcerer II, Venter's 95-foot sailboat, leaves Halifax, Nova Scotia, on a two-year circum-navigation of the globe in search of new microbial species for DNA sequencing.
The popularity of rapid DNA sequencing technology provides large amounts of data for molecular phylogenetics, while the sequence analysis technology is the important tool to gain knowledge from data.
Meanwhile, technologists are working to drive down the costs of DNA sequencing so individual human genomes can routinely be read out on gene chips.
DNA microarray has been applied to DNA sequencing, pharmaceuticals analysis, gene expression and so on.
The structure principle of DNA biosensor, DNA chip, DNA sequencing technique, pooled DNA, Laboratory on chip (LOC) are introduced in this paper.
Recent advances in the field, including the development of high-speed DNA sequencing devices and chip-based probes, will allow researchers to sequence much larger amounts of genetic material faster.
A mathematical discovery has extended the reach of a novel genome mapping method to humans, potentially giving cancer biology a faster and more cost-effective tool than traditional DNA sequencing.
Because the probe of 517 rifampin-resistant did not be dotted on the gene chip, only sites of 518 and 526 mutations were detected, which were consistent with the results of DNA sequencing.
Results:The sequence of the cloned GAP-43 was confirmed to be correct by DNA sequencing.
Results:The sequence of the cloned GAP-43 was confirmed to be correct by DNA sequencing.