Don't speak, you will do a disservice to him.
Companies that fail to implement an effective cross-selling program actually do a disservice to their customers and in effect, leave the backdoor open to their competitors.
When you let other people diminish you, you do a disservice not only to yourself but to the whole human race.
But when it comes to a good night's sleep, can these pills do a disservice?
When we get trapped in the mindset that events must go a certain way, or the result must fit certain criteria in order for us to feel secure we do ourselves a disservice.
And I wonder whether by ignoring our differences as women or men of colour we do a disservice both to the law and to society.
Complaining about your life is one of the easiest things to do and it ACTS as a true disservice to you.
Software architects and developers do themselves a disservice when they attribute their success to whatever methodology they have adopted.
"Do the interpretive work first," says Dr. Barrett. "Just trying to suppress your dreams without exploring what they are about is doing them a disservice."
You could do yourself a grave disservice by revealing all to a potential rival.
To give the sequel's readers this distorted lens through which to view climate change and its solution is to do readers a grave disservice.
We have given our prediction on the sinking of the Sunda Plate and the S American rolls our outside guess on timing, as to do less would be a disservice to mankind.
They do a great disservice to our society.
Don't do yourself a disservice, over the next week or so, by trying too hard to help someone else.
With such limited initial contact, you do yourself a disservice if you use a whole page of your application to simply repeat the contents of the other pages.
My Grandma, I do not believe that your ignorance and a disservice to the bar.
My Grandma, I do not believe that your ignorance and a disservice to the bar.