As you approach this Easter season, may I encourage you to prayerfully think about your children or loved ones in your family who do not know God's love and forgiveness?
Treasure your loved ones, do something special, give them a surprise, thank them for what they have done for you and... Say I love you!
I thank my loved ones, for all they do to me.
Almighty God, please forgive my evil soul, thank you gave me food, warmth, friends, loved ones, I do thank you for all.
HIV-infected inmates Lee's father, said: "The children got the disease as a family, we have some fear, could not avoid it and you loved ones do better than we do, I sincerely thank you."
HIV-infected inmates Lee's father, said: "The children got the disease as a family, we have some fear, could not avoid it and you loved ones do better than we do, I sincerely thank you."