Once we do feel safely linked with our partner, we can tolerate the hurts they will—inevitably—inflict upon us in the course of daily life.
“What I’ve found is that people who want to have a grounded life and live a regular life, they find ways to do it, ” says Simon Halls, partner in the big publicity firm PMK/HBH.
Do you have to be Carol's lesbian life partner?
It is not hard to develop a positive attitude to life. If you see your friends or partner do things you don't approve of, reject the behavior not the person.
What characters do you think a good life partner (family member) should have?
We fight with them to do it our way to meet our needs, but fighting with our partner is just a way of delaying ourself from moving forward in life.
Someone who holds the same belief you do will make a better life partner.
Do plan a life together: our plans may not always work out, but envisioning a future with our partner inspires us to take the right steps towards manifesting our long-term goals.
I do seek a very special woman in life to have as a life partner, a wife and a lover.
If you are artistically inclined, do a life drawing course, practice until you are confident and then ask your partner to pose for you.
To do with world travel is looking for a partner in my life.
To do with world travel is looking for a partner in my life.