Do not waste your time trying.
Do not waste your time trying to do 156 things.
NO. 6 Do not waste your time on a man or a woman who is not willing to waste their time on you.
This will enable you having weather forecast always up-to-date and do not waste your time on manual downloads.
Do not waste your time and as well as your talent doing childish stuff and again I'd recommend you not to change anything in the system as robbery is always done with no clues left.
First of all, check just in case the problem says set up but do not evaluate. Then, don't waste your time evaluating it.
They do not know how to evaluate the venture, so don't waste your time trying.
Don't waste your time making decisions that do not have to be made.
In such cases, you might as well do the penetration test manually - a web vulnerability scanner's purpose is to ease your job and help you be more productive - not to waste your time.
Allan: Please send me the photo quotation after your sending samples. I really do not want to waste your time at the fair. Hope you can meet more customers.
Your time is limited, so do not waste them in other peoples lives.
Not only do you waste your time and energy, but when you inevitably fall short (remember that whole pesky business of being human?), it reinforces negative feelings about yourself.
I know you insist to be true, SO you do not waste the time of your life as a fan of kaiju, But it would not work.
It is also a prediction of financial reverses that can be staved off if you do not waste time, and keep your nose to the grindstone.
Forget your kid do not drink, but also to waste my time-dig dandelion, home living to do, you do not know that I spend all day endless domestic and crop it?
你小子不喝算了,也省得我费时间去挖蒲公英,家里的事多着呢,你不知道我一天到晚忙不完的家务和庄稼吗? !
Understand the technology before adding their own, do not enter orders and sales, so waste your time with each other.
The detail studying is better to begin after getting hold of the article, making sure you do not put it upside down, otherwise it will likely waste your a lot of time.
If you do not, you can waste a lot of your team's time.
Put an end to housing leave, do not waste your valuable time, only good for you!
Put an end to housing leave, do not waste your valuable time, only good for you!