In order to determine which new career will be best for her, my friend will need to do some soul-searching first and then look for a job that will include these three ideals.
I think first-world countries need to do some soul-searching first!
America needs to do some soul-searching and do more like Europe. Instead of punishment and self-loathing it needs to be education and trust.
If you have few positive answers and they are not in your top priorities then you should do some soul-searching about what you really want out of life and whether it is time to look for a better job.
比较肯定答案和否定答案,那些肯定答案时候在数量和重要性上超过否定答案? 例如,如果一个工作能使你得到想要的经历,那么,即便它的报酬少,这个工作对于你来说也是好工作、重要的工作。
Do some soul searching and find out what your life's work should be.
You may need to seek out that passion, and do some experimenting and soul searching, but that's the fun.
You may need to seek out that passion, and do some experimenting and soul searching, but that's the fun.