Why do you bother to create another one to replace me?
It seems to be your responsibility. As one of Zhang’s friends said to her, “Why do you bother to find some troubles for yourself?
Edison's answer? "Because when you fish without bait, people don't bother you and neither do the fish. It provides me my best time to think."
When you carry as much processing power in your pocket or tablet as you do in your gaming desktop, why bother to use different operating systems?
You want to create your own panorama, but do not want to bother with messy details like control points and blending options?
If you do not change the manifest, the browser will never bother to load the new version of the resource that you modified.
Me: I used to be one many years ago. But why do you bother asking such questions?
I'm afraid it's a bother for you to do this.
"Don't 19 bother about your dear Lord, Ralph," said the stranger sitting opposite him. "you have more important things to do."
I'm sorry to bother you, but can you do anything about the telephone?
That tells JAX-RS to automatically parse the posted data into a JAXBElement wrapper, so you do not have to bother writing any parsing code for this.
它告诉JAX - RS自动将传送的数据解析成JAXBElement包装,所以您不必编写任何解析代码。
If you wish to take this approach, you do not need to bother with setuptools or ez_setup.py at all.
如果希望采用这种方法,就不需要使用setuptools或ez_setup . py了。
Pretty soon, you do not bother to send her to school every morning.
There are no incidents recorded on your normal route to work so you do not bother to use your computer route model to select an optimum route for you.
If you want to make it work, make some conscious effort to really try to make it work. otherwise do not even bother to make half hearted effort.
You seem to really have been very good, do not need my bother.
I do not bother to give you the final tender.
I'm sorry to bother you, but can you do anything about it?
Do not buy so many dandy things which we do not really need, otherwise you will have to take the bother to sell them when you graduate.
Do you still write in cafes, or do you have to stay out of public places while you write so people won't bother you?
I am sorry to bother you, but can you tell me how to do it?
Excuse me, Don? I hate to bother you , but I need your help on something. Do you have time to brief me on the Martin account today?
If you're not really bothered about the family myths about who you are, and your parents' lingering aspirations for you don't bother you then the best thing to do is nothing.
I'm afraid it was a bother for you to do this.
I'm sorry to bother you. You see, I have a guest in my room. Do you have any hot water?
I'm sorry to bother you. You see, I have a guest in my room. Do you have any hot water?