Do you know, Jane, I sometimes wonder whether I ever did really fly.
I really wonder how you can do it, Deta!
I mean, do you really — you might wonder, aren't people missing something if the excess return is so high of stocks over short-term bonds?
I wonder what you can really do by yourself.
I am really not tired, which I almost wonder at; for we must have walked at least a mile in this wood. Do not you think we have?
Every time you decide to do one thing, you wonder whether you really ought to be doing something else instead.
Filoni: you know, it's always one of those things you wonder about... Wow, should we really do that?
What we are trying to do is design something that when you see it you really wonder if it's been designed at all because it seems so obvious and so inevitable and so simple.
Do you sometimes ignore the loved ones because your life is too fast and busy leaving them to wonder whether you really love them?
请问你是否曾因为生活太快、太忙碌而忽略了你所爱的人,然后让他们开始开始怀疑起你是不是真的爱他们呢? ?
Do you sometimes ignore loved ones because your life is too fast and busy leaving them to wonder whether you really love them?
I said that if I was really hygienic, and you can now wonder about how often do I shower?
Do you sometimes ignore loved ones because your life is too fast and busy leaving them to wonder whether you really love them?
Now, we might wonder: "Paul, do you really think that if you prayed alone for an open door, it would be less likely to occur?"
I owe your far too many things, and I am really very worried in my family, wonder how do, but I knowledge and you say is it think more either to ask you.
Sometimes, when you look at all the drugs they've taken, you wonder, 'Wow, did I really do this to my kids?
Sometimes, when you look at all the drugs they've taken, you wonder, 'Wow, did I really do this to my kids?