He had never been a medical student, yet he was given one of those rare honorary DE GRE es of Doctor of Science.
Schmidt, who holds a doctorate from the University of California at Berkeley, also received an honorary doctor of science degree at the ceremony.
JENNIFER A. CLACK, a Reader in vertebrate paleontology and doctor of science at the University of Cambridge, has been studying tetrapod origins for 25 years.
The doctor, who leads the Coma Science Group and Department of Neurology at Liege University Hospital, found Mr Houben's brain was still working by using state-of-the-art imaging.
Last month, I travelled to Israel for Trust Me, I'm a Doctor to take part in a vast new research study being carried out there by a team at the Weizmann Institute of Science.
The Doctor of Engineering Science in Materials Science and Engineering provides in-depth instruction and research in a specialty and enables the graduate to contribute scholarly work in the field.
The Doctor of Engineering Science in Mechanical Engineering provides in-depth instruction and research in a specialty and enables the graduate to contribute scholarly work in the field.
Doctor Who is the winner of BAFTA Award for Best Drama Series 2006 and listed in Guinness world Records as the longest-running science fiction television show in the world.
But beyond graduating in science and arts, beyond becoming a great doctor or engineer, the key to life is to graduate as a human being. A good citizen of your country, and a good citizen of a world.
Wang Qian studied science in her high school following her mother's mind and wanted to be a doctor as what most of her families did at that time.
Jiang Jingsong, Doctor of Philosophy, Tsinghua University Institute of Science, Technology and Society.
The doctor gave the citizens a science popularization education on the phenomenon of corpses coming to life.
The medical diagnosis expert system is an application of expert system in the medical science field. It is to assist one kind of intellectualized implement that the doctor diagnoses.
Wang Xiahao Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, China University of Political Science and Law.
He attended the Gordonstoun School in Scotland from 1955 to 1960 and later earned a bachelor of science and a doctor of philosophy in zoology from Oxford University.
Chapter 2 Li H. Post-doctor work report of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Wuhan: 2001.
Chapter 2 Li H. Post-doctor work report of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Wuhan: 2001.