Use documentation comments to describe the programing interface.
This example shows how to add XML documentation comments to your code.
Compile the code to generate an XML file containing the documentation comments.
Add additional code that USES the type or member with the new XML documentation comments.
This is an alternative to placing documentation comments directly in your source code file.
So if you examine the documentation comments surrounding the method in Listing 4, you find the @ejb-transaction type="Required" tag.
所以如果检查Listing4 中的方法旁边的文档注释,您会发现 @ejb-transaction type="Required"标记。
Sandcastle - Produces MSDN style documentation by reflecting over the source assemblies and optionally integrating XML documentation comments.
With assessment documented, the business analyst can ask other team members to conduct a review so that they can add their own comments to the relevant documentation.
However, it also has the advantages of a text document, since each object in the model can include attributes like comments and documentation.
In this example you did not produce any documentation in the model: perhaps you should generate comments.
Even if you use an older API, or make choices that aren't all the rage, good comments and documentation will help you adapt your application as requirements and expectations change.
Save block comments for formal documentation and for commenting out.
In a hurry of typical day-to-day toil, it is so easy to change the code and miss to update the comments, documentation, diagrams and other secondary artifacts.
After creating the artifacts and requirements, Victor invites other team members to review the assessment documentation and add comments.
A good example (which is also given in MongoDB documentation) is blog posts and comments.
According to the documentation, StickyNotes allows two types of comments.
The comments in the content are taken directly from one of the Rampart examples; they appear to be the only documentation of this configuration.
Think of it as comments or documentation (although there are other ways to include documentation as well).
Code list values can be described in the UML model in comments or documented elsewhere in the system documentation.
However, tests make much better documentation than comments.
phpDocumentor generates manual-format documentation by reading it from DocBlocks -- special PHP comments.
phpDocumentor 通过读取 DocBlocks(特殊的PHP注释)来生成手册格式的文档。
With the method of documentation, this article reviews and comments the traditional theory on period training and super-compensation by scholars abroad in recent years.
Optional parameters will be listed at the beginning of the output as comments. This is a convenient way of replacing copyright messages and other documentation.
To complete the picture, however, you need a special comment syntax to mark special documentation, and a tool to extract those comments and put them in a useful form.
To complete the picture, however, you need a special comment syntax to mark special documentation, and a tool to extract those comments and put them in a useful form.