Rehearsal scenes came from a small crew documenting the process for Mr. Jackson, who studied the footage like game tape.
The director boldly filmed himself, looking back on the years of marriage with his wife, documenting the process of two people's divorce.
Figure 3: Documenting the supported business process and the domain model.
This is the process of discovering, analyzing, defining, and documenting the requirements that are related to a specific business objective.
If your team members have different ideas about how to conduct the requirements management process and different ways of documenting and organizing the requirements, who will have the final say?
In conjunction with the lack of a standard approach to documenting process customizations 5, this deficiency obstructs project implementation.
Requirements versioning is the process of documenting the anticipated need for multiple changes to specific requirements over time.
Documenting the right process involves addressing problems deeper than the lack of documentation.
A template makes the process of documenting your processes repeatable.
The following exercises are a great way to start discussing and documenting aspects of design to help clients shed their fear of creativity and encourage them to join the design process.
You're simply documenting a process or other topic so the documentation can be referred to later if a problem occurs.
Other than documenting what the business process actually is, a text based document does nothing to aid in the redesign of a process.
Because IBM is a global company serving clients in hundreds of countries, documenting the GBS CRM Business Process is a challenging task.
Most likely, if you are documenting a test plan (and it is not just for regulatory or process purposes), you will use it to help direct and guide the test effort.
An AOA addresses the need for a standard method of documenting process extensions.
However, as we discussed above, specialisations of modelling languages (like SoaML) can certainly help to make the process of documenting some types of architectures more straightforward.
A wiki site will soon be created to encourage others to participate in the process of documenting the framework.
It provides a business-centric view, documenting the end-to-end process without technicalities.
The proposed RMC solution is based on the definition of a unified framework for documenting CRM business processes, called the unified CRM business process framework.
建议的RMC解决方案是基于用于编制CRM业务过程的统一框架的定义的,该框架称为unified CRMBusinessProcessFramework。
Note: You can determine the format for documenting the output of this planning process, and a specific plan is not necessary in all cases.
You need a complete process and environment for creating and documenting tests, managing and maintaining them, executing them and reporting the results, as well as managing the test environment.
It is the process necessary for documenting the business needs and the new product, service, or other result that is intended to satisfy those requirements.
I am not going to be documenting every step of the process this time.
This is the process necessary for determining which risks might affect the project and documenting their characteristics.
This is the process necessary for identifying and documenting project roles, responsibilities and reporting relationships, as well as creating the staffing management plan.
This is the process necessary for identifying and documenting dependencies among schedule activities.
Directing production workers to strictly carry out process, and technology training, documenting all kinds of process measures that ensure the quality of products.
Directing production workers to strictly carry out process, and technology training, documenting all kinds of process measures that ensure the quality of products.