Manufactured by: the Department of Defense (DOD).
Lean Six Sigma is a process-improvement methodology that DOD has endorsed departmentwide.
To provide whole blood for the production of dried plasma for the DOD War Reserve stockpile.
The cycle life at 70% DOD of the VRLA battery made by the optimum paste formula is up to 612 cycles.
I took out my dod red mug and filled it with coffee, watching as each coffee granule slipped into the bone china.
The DOD recently published an information reference architecture in an attempt to identify its network-readiness needs.
The results shows: (1)charge-transfer resistance R3 decreases at first and then increases with the increasing of DOD;
Companies doing business with the DoD are tasked to comply with some or all of the DoDAF as they propose their systems.
The fastest DOD heads are the Seiko Epson and Panasonic heads but these only produce a binary (1 grey level) 600dpi ink dot.
Doing that requires knowing more about the disorder, its causes, diagnosis, and treatment, so the Department of Defense (DoD) requested the IOM study.
这样做需要了解更多的关于该疾病的事情。 包括了其发生的原因,以及诊断和治疗。
Tellingly, one of the recommendations for action is for the appropriate DOD representative to "attend and participate" in IPO executive committee meetings.
Today, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) announced that Raytheon is being awarded a $55.5 million contract for ATFLIR System Components Delivery Order #0007.
This three-headed collaboration has turned out to be the monster it sounds, because the DOD and NOAA have different requirements, and nobody is really in charge.
"Potential US adversaries may seek to exploit, disrupt, deny, and degrade the networks and systems that DoD depends on for its operations," the report said.
The DOD initiative supports multidisciplinary basic research to bring together scientists, researchers and engineers from different organizations and disciplines.
This produces a quality that is similar to that of the high-speed DOD inkjet printers and is suited for transactional, direct mail and newspaper applications.
The agency’s Young Faculty Award program provides funding to researchers early in their careers to develop new ideas in the context of DOD needs, according to DARPA.
Eventually, the DOD realized that the Waterfall method was not working and in 1994 replaced DOD-STD-2167 with MIL-STD-498, which supports iterative development.
后来,美国国防部意识到瀑布方法是行不通的,并最终于1994年发布了取代DOD-STD - 2167的标准MIL - STD - 498,支持迭代式开发。
Unofficial early estimates, however, are that 70 percent of the traffic on DOD networks today is unofficial and would be banned, said sources close to the department.
It provides the capabilities for building models representing U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) architectures and automatically generates DoDAF work products and reports.
The domains that will receive assistance are cyberwarfare; intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance operations; information influence; training and others, DOD said.
The targeted services verify the identities of individuals accessing the networks and manage the information they are allowed to access and use, according to DOD and ODNI.
Under the contract, CACI will furnish engineering, technical assistance and management support services to support NSWC's Airborne Electro-Optic Systems Branch, DOD said Dec. 17.
Like the other Neimoidians, Dod was first designed to resemble an organic version of the battle droids, suggesting that the Neimoidians crafted the droids in their own image.
Rational System architect provides the capabilities for building models representing Department of Defense (DoD) architectures, auto-generating DoDAF work products and reports.
It is indicated that the importance of USA DoD acquisition idea transition from defense acquisition to acquisition system and interoperability as the key performance parameter.
Then the new material for BTG water lubrication plastic alloy bearings is get. Its mechanic capability should attain or exceeded MIL-B-17901B standard (shipping) issued by US DOD.
最终得到的新型塑料合金轴承材料力学性能可达到或超过美国国防部颁布的MIL-B - 17901(船舶)军用标准。
Lott Dod says Coruscant has not been directly attacked in over 1,000 years, which coincides with a chronology that had the last war between Sith and Jedi around that time as well.
Lott Dod says Coruscant has not been directly attacked in over 1,000 years, which coincides with a chronology that had the last war between Sith and Jedi around that time as well.