Milk is thrown away if it does not pass the tests.
The stunted receptor does not pass the message on properly.
The integration test client does not pass data through the bindings.
The player that does not pass bright key point should can see this is what game.
But some highway construction does not pass, brewing a series of safety incidents.
If the bill does not pass, it will change environmental politics in America and beyond.
Even if it does not pass in its entirety, some form of obligation remains a possibility.
In some splines, the curve does not pass through any of the points that define the curve.
Can I find a surface that's bounded by this loop and that does not pass through the origin?
If the password does not pass the strength check, you get prompted to enter a new password.
A pitched baseball that does not pass through the strike zone and is not swung at by the batter.
This sickness prognosis is bad, if does not pass through the treatment, the patient may die in a short time.
This also involves a nanopore in an AHL protein, but the DNA strand does not pass through the nanopore intact.
So clear, does not pass through the filter one one into your ears, like winter rain, a drip drop into your heart.
Since the light does not pass through glass in this type of telescope, there is no uneven bending of the light and no color fringes.
In the example, the response from the provider does not pass through any interceptors, though both Axis and the Bus support that capability.
Tubed RC columns connected conveniently with RC beams in respect that the outer steel tube does not pass through the beam to column connection.
So, and similarly, if I take any other loop that avoids the origin, I can find, actually, a surface bounded by it that does not pass through the origin.
Anything that does not pass through the gills is eaten. Gill rakes are bristly structures in their mouths that trap small organisms, which they then swallow.
A validation error occurs if a value to be updated does not match the type of the property in the data class, or if it does not pass a custom validation check.
The actual size of this grey - largely cash - economy is difficult to calculate since the money does not pass through the hands of tax authorities or the banking sector.
If a student does not pass all the Professional level exams within seven years, they will lose any passes that were achieved more than seven years ago and will need to retake.
This means that a PXE server must respond within that time period to ensure that the client boots from the network and that it does not pass to the next device in the boot order.
The cell can be tipped to allow the inspected lens to be placed into a known pick-cup location upon passing inspection, or if the lens does not pass inspection, it can be discarded.
该检验单元可以倾翻以使检验过的镜片当通过检验时能放置在一已知的拾取杯位置,或 者如果镜片未通过检验则被丢弃。
The cell can be tipped to allow the inspected lens to be placed into a known pick-cup location upon passing inspection, or if the lens does not pass inspection, it can be discarded.
该检验单元可以倾翻以使检验过的镜片当通过检验时能放置在一已知的拾取杯位置,或 者如果镜片未通过检验则被丢弃。