Many developers also know when to use SAX and when to use the DOM API.
很多开发人员也知道何时使用SAX,何时使用DOM API。
Otherwise, use the DOM API to identify the elements that represent member properties.
否则,请使用DOM API来识别代表成员属性的元素。
Unlike SAX, the DOM API permits editing and saving an XML document back to a file or stream.
与SAX不同,DOM API允许对XML文档进行编辑并保存为一个文件或者流。
The XML DOM API is a standard XML-parsing API, and it is the most commonly used when programming XML applications.
XMLDOM API是一个标准的xml解析api,而且它最常用于编写XML应用程序。
Directly embedding DOM API calls in the application's business logic is inefficient since any changes in the XML schema would require extensive changes to application code.
在应用程序的业务逻辑中直接嵌入DOM API是一种低效率的做法,因为对XML模式的任何修改都要求对应用程序代码做大量修改。
The low-level nature of the DOM API, incorrect application of methods and programming patterns, and lack of knowledge of the full API all contributed to the increase in the number of code lines.
DOM API的低级本质、方法和编程模式的不正确应用以及缺乏完整 API 的知识,都会致使代码行数增加。
What contributed to the increase in the number of code lines were the low-level nature of the DOM API, incorrect application of methods and programming patterns, and lack of knowledge of the full API.
造成代码行数量增长的原因是由于DOM API的低级特性、对方法和编程样式不正确的应用以及对整个API缺乏了解。
In this model, the application code can use the DOM, JDOM, SDO (and so on) API to perform the business logic.
Which type of API should you use and when should you use it — SAX or DOM? Unfortunately, there is no clear-cut answer to this question.
应该使用哪一种类型的API,应该何时使用它-SAX还是DOM ?不幸的是,这个问题没有明确的答案。
In addition to updating JAXP to the newest versions of SAX and DOM, several small changes have been made in the API (as discussed in my last article).
This means that the specialized API approach has to be combined with a certain amount of DOM processing.
If you don't have data that will be reused, and you don't pass that data in the form of an object to another component in your application, then you might consider an API like DOM or JDOM.
In other words, each feature in the convenience layer delegates and organizes related element classes of the DOM layer to implement the convenience layer API.
The one I used above is the tree-based API that's provided by all other contemporary object models, such as DOM and JDOM.
上面使用的是基于树的API,所有其他竞争的对象模型如DOM和JDOM 都提供了这样的 API。
Because JAXP really is just a wrapper API (no matter how people are using it), it simply can't support every option that SAX and the DOM provide.
AXIOM's API is probably closest to DOM in overall feel, but it has its own quirks.
The doc column specifies parsers that support a pull or document model API, like DOM.
In previous articles, you saw the basic concepts involved in working with the DOM, and got a detailed look at the API; now you've worked through a simple DOM-based application.
You can easily access these elements through the DOM layer API that is introduced in the next section.
Now keep in mind that JAXP is not a true parsing API on its own, in the sense that it requires a SAX or DOM parser to operate.
For example, SAX and DOM have nothing to do with how XML documents are rendered; or the parser you're using must be compatible with your processing API (SAX or DOM).
例如,SAX和DOM同如何呈现XML文档无关;又例如,您正在使用的解析器必须与您的处理API (SAX或DOM)兼容。
When you use an API like DOM or JDOM, you work with the structure of the document continuously, both when you load the XML and when you access that data.
The Document Object Model (DOM) API exposed by the browser for dynamic display and interaction.
Like dom and dom4j, AXIOM defines the API used to access and manipulate the tree representation using interfaces.
与dom和dom 4 j一样,AXIOM使用接口定义了用于访问和操作树表示的API。
An instance of DocumentBuilderFactory is obtained, which defines a factory API that enables applications to obtain a parser that produces DOM object trees from an XML document.
This tutorial demonstrates the use of the DOM Core API as a means for reading and manipulating XML data using the example of a series of orders from a commerce system.
Learn to use the document Object Model (DOM), a tree API that provides direct access to parts of an XML document.
学习使用文档对象模型(Document Object Model, DOM),使用这种树api可以直接访问XML文档的各个部分。
CDomlette is potentially a much faster way of building a DOM tree, but it is currently beta, and might not be entirely API-compatible with other modules.
Dom (specifically xml.dom.minidom) offers a rather heavy API for OOP-style manipulation of XML documents — with methods common across dom implementations in many programming languages.
dom(特别是xml . dom .minidom)为xml文档的OOP -风格操作提供了相当繁重的API—有一些方法共同用于许多编程语言中的dom实现。
Document Object Model (DOM) API.