One of the earlier design decisions we have encountered in the initial model is whether it is better to swap the positioning of the industry layer and the business domain layer.
Because the only layer containing transaction logic is the API layer, I will only show the transaction logic in that layer's domain-model classes.
Because the UI is unique to the iPhone you need to separate out the visual layer from the domain model, basic MVC logic.
In the domain of J2EE Web applications, the model is the business logic of an application, and the JSP pages comprising the presentation layer are the view.
The presentation layer can call the validation logic on the data provided by a form before passing it to the domain model.
The Naked Objects pattern encourages the developer to focus on supplying a rich domain model with both data and behaviour, and supplies a view layer and a thin controller layer automatically.
Because database tables by themselves do not have behavior, it's tempting to put the behavior of domain-model entities in services or the view layer.
Model your API after a service, or domain model; expose methods and properties as resources of your API layer.
The goal of this paper is to implement code generation tool for data access layer based on domain model.
A layer of DTOs isolates the domain model from the presentation, resulting in both loose coupling and optimized data transfer.
A layer of DTOs isolates the domain model from the presentation, resulting in both loose coupling and optimized data transfer.