The timetable for trains is so tight that if one is a bit late, the domino effect is enormous.
This domino effect makes it hard to find the motivation and energy to get anything done and you can find your life spiraling downward and feeling powerless to stop it.
Just as bad events can seem to have a domino effect, so can good things - so why not jump start some goodness in someone's life?
Even though this hypothetical should be of great concern, it is far from the nightmare nuclear domino effect, which by definition requires many more countries to speedily develop nuclear weapons.
She said a failure to respond to the food crisis in a comprehensive way could trigger a domino effect by putting at risk other fundamental rights, including the right to health or to education.
This domino effect can be avoided by using domain specialization.
Sometimes there's a 'domino effect' with negative events, where one bad thing leads to another.
The myth of a nuclear domino effect creates an excuse for other Middle Eastern countries -- expecting that their neighbors will be nuclear powers -- to acquire nuclear weapons themselves.
This too will eventually have a domino effect, as people will begin to remember your face and courtesy.
Many developed economies are now facing a contraction next year after lending from Banks suddenly dried up, and newer powers such as China have been caught up in the domino effect, Reuters reported.
This set off a domino effect, as one part of the grid taxed another.
A poor-performing Dynamic Web service can cause a domino effect, bringing the performance of other Web services, internally and externally, down to an unacceptable level.
Without well-structured safeguards, one incident (or added task) will cause a domino effect.
As nobody really believes that Chrysler has a long-term future, it is pinning its hopes of a bail-out on the potential domino effect of letting it go when GM and Ford are in such a fragile state.
Analysts said safety fears and rising costs are creating the risk of a domino effect, in which companies pull out of the complex en masse.
Or do you make a move that may have a domino effect and accelerate the erosion of America's supremacy as the world's greatest superpower?
She said a failure to respond to the food crisis in a comprehensive way could trigger a domino effect by putting at risk other fundamental rights, including the right to health or to education.
Iain Begg at the London School of Economics says the resulting crisis could have a domino effect on Banks in the U.S..
Domino Effect of static linking.
For example, access to your bank account, and then try to log in Alipay account, triggering the Domino effect.
The interaction and domino effect of the scenarios has not changed.
The moving plates, suddenly slamming into each other as they start to slow down, will create a domino effect not unlike a multiple car crash.
The domino effect reaches even farther.
Second, Page sets in motion a positive domino effect of talent moves by promoting Pichai, a capable and potentially woo-able executive.
Second, Page sets in motion a positive domino effect of talent moves by promoting Pichai, a capable and potentially woo-able executive.