This is best done by working with the technologies every day rather than in short irregular bursts, no matter how enthusiastically you do them.
So get your day started off on the right foot, with just one thing done.
I was often frustrated when I realized in the middle of the day that I got very few things done compared with what I normally achieve.
How do we measure the value of our time, how we spend it, who we share it with, and what "gets done" in a day, a week, or a lifetime?
And if you don't focus on the most important things then they are often not done at the end of the day since you kept yourself busy with other things.
Put jobs that are disliked at the top of the "to do" list so that they are over and done with in the first part of the morning, and the rest of the day can be spent doing more pleasant tasks.
I am tempted to just put it into hibernation or standby when I am done with it for the day, so that starting up will be quicker.
Each day in the late afternoon we would meet with the client, discuss our progress to date, emphasizing the work done since the last meeting.
But when drivers leave their desks and slip behind the wheel, they expect to be done with technical support for the day.
One day you'll be confronted with the realization of how much you still have to get done and how little of time you have to do it.
After I've done that, I am now free to check email and read my feeds (I only follow a handful). I get on with the rest of my day.
This is not something the scientists are imagining could be done some day off in the future. This is possible with the technology we have today and could be accomplished within a decade.
But you can expect them to get their own juice box out of the fridge or put their toys away each day when they're done with them.
He warns, however, that napping must not be done too late in the day or it will interfere with night-time sleep.
Do you know that feeling you get when you're done with work for the day and take those first few steps out the office door?
A game drive can be done at any time of day, but early morning, mid-morning and late afternoon, with a break early on for breakfast, and another in the middle of the day for lunch, is the usual plan.
On the same day as NYMEX traders started Shouting Brent prices in Dublin, the IPE did away with its morning open-outcry session: now such trades must be electronic, or done in the pit after lunch.
AS with LASIK, the LASEK procedure can be done on both eyes on the same day.
Plan out your day and gather a list of all the errands you need to do so you can get them all done with one outing as opposed to having to make multiple trips.
As we filed out, the crowd filed out with us. Photo-op over, their work for the day was done.
When asked what could have been done better with the benefit of hindsight, he says: "Perhaps the teams could have been formed a day or two earlier."
Don't start with a long list of things you probably won't get done by the end of the day.
One particularly notable value of the above meditational practice, is that is can be done any time during the day, at work, at home or in conjunction with any other activity.
When I applied mine heart to know wisdom, and to see the business that is done upon the earth: (for also there is that neither day nor night seeth sleep with his eyes:)
我专心求智慧,要看世上所作的事。 (有昼夜不睡觉,不合眼的)。
One last act with painted smiles, for they too know that nothing can be done to save the day.
The next day, done with her tutoring, Sadie stretched out on the bed.
If we do not have breakfast, we would not have enough energy to deal with the matters in the whole day and the result of things we done can not run up to what we have expected.
Not done with the card, but the day before leaving Lhasa, met with the children of the companion.
Not done with the card, but the day before leaving Lhasa, met with the children of the companion.