Another advantage of a genuine inheritance tax (not a false friend like Britain's) is that the tax authorities can set different rates according to how close heirs are to the donor.
So sometimes some of the things we set ourselves as a goal or intent as a donor [...] are a little bit superficial.
Families with formal charitable giving vehicles — such as a foundation or trust — can set up mini foundations or donor-advised funds with smaller amounts of money for heirs to manage.
In order to encourage the students to study hard and become the top talents, and through friendly consultation between Donor and Donee, the Donor shall set up scholarship in Donee.
Donor shall set up scholarship, with the annual amount of RMB Sixty Thousand Yuan and the term for donation shall be Six Years.
The Global Fund, set up in 2001, raises donor money every three years and in 2007 secured $10 billion for the 2008-2010 period.
The Global Fund, set up in 2001, raises donor money every three years and in 2007 secured $10 billion for the 2008-2010 period.