Strengthening the force of doping control.
I am the Doping Control Station officer of the Games.
Please give me a copy of the doping control official report.
Where are the dressing rooms, doping control station and clinic?
Where are the dressing rooms, doping control station and clinic?
Where are the changing rooms, showers, doping control room and clinic?
You have been selected for doping Control. May I have your AD Card, please.
You are not allowed to leave the doping control station once you checked in.
At each entry point to the field are two dressing rooms, mix zone, physiotherapy and a space for doping control.
You must say as well that he was unlucky because he was done in the doping control after Man United and he didn't play.
They don't accept any invitations or talk about their occupations besides doping control officers, keeping very low-profiles.
First, fill in the Doping Control Official Record clearly and choose a perfectly clean cup to collect urine sample no less than 75ml.
Congratulations, Mr. Li Yong. I'm the doping control officer of the Games. You're required to take the doping test. Would you please come with me?
In competition tests and out of competition tests are the two ways of doping control. They are effective measures for cracking down doping behaviors.
A total of 917 workers will work at 34 doping control stations to collect samples that will be tested at a lab for about 200 banned substances, Mr. Chen said.
Prize money of Half Marathon for International Group can be distributed after the winner list is published on the website for 10 days and the doping control result is released without question.
The Anti-Doping Commission, entrusted by Beijing Olympics organizers, will be responsible to implement the doping control plan for the Beijing Olympic Games where 4,500 dope tests are expected.
赵补充说到。 反兴奋剂委员会受北京奥组会委托,将负责的为北京奥运会实施兴奋剂测试计划,这其中大约会有4,500名受测试。
You may sign on the Doping Control Official Record if you are sure that the whole process, all the information in the Record are all correct, complete and accurate and that you have no objection.
Said doping gas control part includes a gas quality flowmeter (of argon and azote) used by a gas protect part, and a doping case part.
The device includes a central control part, a motor control part, a control panel and a doping gas control part.
The device includes a central control part, a motor control part, a control panel and a doping gas control part.