I can get it from my dorm room, bring it back with me and submit it with those forms you need from me.
The hostels in Rome offer a bed in a dorm room for around $25 a night, and for that, you'll often get to stay in a central location with security and comfort.
Get one. It gives you a quiet place beyond your dorm room where you can concentrate between classes and focus in the evenings.
For example, Lei Ming, 20, a management major at Renmin University, thinks that if his buddies knew what he'd done to their dorm room, they'd kill him.
When they did provide lodging, it was typically a dorm room crammed with bunk beds.
Loft your bed: If your school will allow it, lofting your bed is another great way to maximize space in your dorm room.
When he went away to college at Cornell, Adam took the business with him, operating out of his small dorm room.
Erik Youngdahl and Michelle Garcia share a dorm room at Connecticut \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 's Wesleyan University.
When I arrived at our dorm room, I found her putting on perfume.
I spent most evenings reading that book in the dorm room that summer. But that wasn't the biggest challenge...
There were always lots of people in my dorm room late at night discussing things , because everyone knew I didn't worry about getting up in the morning.
Get yourself a good lock for your laptop for when it's in your dorm room, and choose one that is light so that it's easy to carry with you.
No dorm room will have enough outlets to keep up with the demand.
If possible, visit your dorm room and make a list of the things that you need to buy and those that are provided for. That will help you adjust better when you finally shift in.
what would it mean to read this letter out loud in a community, not alone in your dorm room,or just by yourself,in the library?
My university offered a modest stipend on top of the free private dorm room, but not all colleges provide the stipend.
I spent most evenings reading that book in the dorm room that summer.
While I was literally without a sense of direction, still searching for my dorm room, he was planning his future as a doctor.
In my visits to their previous HQ, it was much like a dorm room: spray painted walls, fancy cafeteria.
They dropped by the camp where Mack is working as a counselor this summer to get a sneak peek at what his future dorm room could look like.
They leave books to occupy desks in classrooms. They keep their dorm room lamps burning all night long.
To find out what Mack would need for his dorm room and how he would fare living on his own, Bob and Lee did some reconnaissance.
Their start-up, which they are operating out of their dorm room, has exhausted its venture capital. They need a loan.
Just because freshmen year begins with four students in a dorm room, it doesn't mean that it deteriorates within a three-month.
Parents might remember how annoying it was when we were sleeping in a dorm room and a roommate came in late and turned on the light.
I realize that some extreme minimalists don't own many of these things because they live with their parents, in a dorm room, on their friend's couch, or in a series of hotels as they travel.
Just compared with a decade ago, it's unbelievable how fast barriers to entry have fallen to starting a business from your dorm room.
Now that she’s settled into her dorm room in Witte Hall, she said the hardest things to get used to are the language and culture.
We had spent the afternoon touring the campus and decorating my dorm room when, at the end of the day, he pulled out the adoption papers.
We had spent the afternoon touring the campus and decorating my dorm room when, at the end of the day, he pulled out the adoption papers.