A bland union of wills and ideas led to totalitarianism; a perfect Arcadia would reduce human talents to a dormant state.
Many animals are in a dormant state during winter.
But if they penetrate the ground, they can survive in a dormant state for decades, waiting for new victims.
The bacteria form spores that allow them to survive in a dormant state until exposed to conditions that can support their growth.
It is thought they also can remain in a dormant state for years, or even centuries until favorable conditions occur, and then they hatch.
Living bacteria - the product use the micro-capsule technology to protect the live bacteria in a dormant state. The product is not nitrifying bacteria medium.
Most of the plants and animals are in a dormant state, so people should also follow the laws of nature, dormant closed Tibet to take in order to Terma-based health.
The virus has the ability to hide in a particular population of immune cells, the B lymphocytes, remaining in a relatively dormant state for the entire life of the host.
The number of reproductive individuals existing in a dormant state is significantly greater than that of aboveground individuals in most habitats dominated by higher plants.
This chakra's inactivity mirrors your present state as a dormant, limited conscious Being.
Rather than ceasing to exist, it became dormant and in that state - unbound from any particular fuel - it became diffused throughout the cosmos.
Rather than ceasing to exist, it became dormant and in that state - unbound from any particular fuel - it became diffused throughout the cosmos.