In familial Mediterranean fever, the rash is most typically on the lower leg, ankle, or dorsum of the foot (erysipeloid erythema).
在家族性地中海热综合征患者中,典型的皮疹主要出现在大腿下部、踝关节和脚背 (类丹毒样红斑);
Never touch the arch of the left-foot dorsum. And especially not the outer-left-most aspect.
The swelling is typically unilateral and can include dorsum of the hand or foot.
When the retrograde flow neurocutaneous island flap was raised, the end to side neurorrhaphy was carried out between the sural nerve carried by the flap and the cutaneous nerve of the foot dorsum.
The swelling is typically unilateral and can include the dorsum of the hand or foot.
Objective To provide anatomic basis for designing the neurocutaneous flap on dorsum of foot and report the clinical result.
At the junction of the dorsum of foot, between the tendons of m. extensor digitorum longus and hallucis longus.
At the junction of the dorsum of foot, between the tendons of m. extensor digitorum longus and hallucis longus.