The invention relates to a bolting and welding combined double-amplitude pulling plate cable beam anchoring structure of a cable-stayed bridge.
The calculating equation of amplitude for the double eccentric driving mechanism is established by analysis.
The phase accords with other observation results basically, while the amplitude of variation is double. Our result of the amplitude is more close to the theory value (0.17%).
Later, using amplitude-based double-random-phase transform, the enciphered gray scale figure is formed .
The amplitude and phase is estimated respectively through a double integrator close-loop, in stead of vector of flux, with angular and speed as feedback.
It is fully hydraulic double driving, with the variable frequency and amplitude, articulated turning, so has good driving performance and gradeability.
And the techniques of double-slit filter and "cross-filter" can be used to extract the near field wavefront of the laser beam with phase modulation and amplitude fluctuation.
Based on the above, the impact of amplitude coefficient ratio on amplitude-phase Double Differential Space-Time Codes is discussed, and an optimal selection scheme in amplitude coefficient is given.
Double frequency, double amplitude.
The invention relates to a double-mass knockout machine for providing a knockout machine with small height, low energy consumption, large amplitude and good knockout effect.
The gait-model bridge girder erection machine mainly applied to the erection of long-span, large-tonnage and double amplitude bridge deck concrete full-span box girders.
This paper points out that the time duration and double amplitude of motor potential could be used as the indices to evaluate the training extent and the brain function at fatigue.
Unique double-vibration box drives all in one vibration table to make the deviation of amplitude lower, more even so as to guarantee the consistency of product intensity.
独特的双振动箱连动一体化振动台,使振动台上各点振幅离差更小,更均匀, 冷热两用榨油机 自动控制螺旋榨油机 榨油机,进而保证制品强度的一致性;
The present method is achieved with an amplitude gray-scale spatial light modulator (SLM) as the image input device and based on double exposure holographic phase-shifting interferometry.
The present method is achieved with an amplitude gray-scale spatial light modulator (SLM) as the image input device and based on double exposure holographic phase-shifting interferometry.