This may be partly because so few men actually know how to wear the double-breasted suit.
Hopkins looked thinner than before a bent figure with a gray double-breasted suit flapping loosely on him.
He wore an old double-breasted suit, frayed gray shirt, wide tie, no hat "I left her so long ago I don't remember.
On the other hand, if you're told dress is casual, you'll stick out if you show up wearing a double-breasted suit.
If you want suiting that makes you to stand out and look like a gentleman, you'll find a double-breasted suit to be the best choice.
Plain-front trousers have become the norm, but a double-breasted suit demands a trouser with a pleat at the waist and hefty cuff at the ankle.
正面无褶的西装裤已成规范,但是双排扣西装要求长裤的腰部有褶,裤脚有收口(hefty cuff)。
And my father was a very dapper man, he always dressed in double-breasted suit, his hair was perfectly combed. He always had a kerchief in his jacket.
Following are tips to keep in mind when you're figuring out how to wear a double-breasted suit and bring back a classic look that should never have disappeared to begin with.
Is the suit to be single or double breasted?
Is the suit to be single or double breasted?
That means a double- or singled-breasted suit from Anderson &Sheppard.
The double-breasted has always been considered a conservative suit choice, but the style is timeless.
扣 西装一直是保守西装风格的选择,但是这种风格也意味着不会过时。
The double-breasted has always been considered a conservative suit choice, but the style is timeless.
扣 西装一直是保守西装风格的选择,但是这种风格也意味着不会过时。