The full SQL query must be enclosed in double-quotes.
It must be one single paragraph, enclosed in double-quotes.
DELIMIDENT, when set to YES, identifies strings in double-quotes as SQL identifiers.
When DELIMIDENT is not YES, strings in double-quotes are treated as string literals. To set DELIMIDENT
当DELIMIDENT没有设置为YES 时,双引号中的字符串被当作字符串字面值。
Multiple sources and targets should be surrounded by double-quotes ("), with each entry separated by a comma."
If you don't know immediately what your SQL Query formula is going to be, enter double-quotes into the formula box.
Rule, function, and specification description values should be surrounded by double-quotes (") if the values contain a comma.
Enclosing the term in double-quotes excludes variations of the term and excludes synonyms and other terms with the same lemma.
These applications generally deal elegantly with adding double-quotes when needed, as well as providing clear, tabular view of mappings.
If either of these two special characters are used, the names must be enclosed in double quotes.
When using the script, you must put the user or host combinations and the command into double quotes to ensure they are identified as a single argument.
To retrieve only documents that match the term, but not those that match the lemmas, enclose the term in double quotes.
Double quotes are properly escaped.
Set the comparand value accordingly, stripping the double quotes from the QUOTED_STRING token if necessary.
相应地设置比较字的值,如果有必要,就从 QUOTED_STRING 标记中除去双引号。
Note the use of double quotes, which ensures that quoted arguments in the original are retained and identified properly.
Note that the brace expansion of the file path, not the full remote path expression, has been enclosed in double quotes.
Single quotes are better, because then you can use double quotes inside the one-liner.
Attribute value delimiters are set to quotation marks (double quotes).
Note that various escape characters must be used such as \ "for double quotes."
主要必须使用各种转义字符,如双引号用\ “表示。”
A value in double quotes is always a string, but a numeric value without quotes is interpreted as a number.
What benefit does this provide? Mainly, that the content inside the double quotes is not parsed, which provides you with more flexibility.
This doesn't work (last time I tried), with just the escape sequence in double quotes.
"' is a set of drawing commands, in this case to move to the position 10, 50 and then draw the text in the double quotes."
You can use single or double quotes as long as opening and closing tokens match, and there are other variations on quoting that are frequently useful.
The single quotes are used because the double quotes are needed within the drawing command if more than one word is to be drawn, and you cannot have double quotes within double quotes.
Make sure you type the double quotes.
Strings are delimited by single quotes instead of double quotes to avoid the performance hit of PHP searching for variables to interpolate within the strings.
Note that our command is contained between double quotes (") so that substitution will occur for $ht.
注意,我们的命令被包含在双引号之间,因此将对 $ht 执行替换。
Another example is use of single and double quotes in JSP which fails during compilation for WebSphere family of products.
另一个例子就是在JS p中使用单引号和双引号在WebSphere产品家族编译期间会出错。
Put the comparands into a form that DB2 can understand, for example remove the double quotes from QUOTED_STRING tokens.
将比较字(comparand)转换为DB 2可以理解的形式,例如,除去QUOTED_STRING标记的双引号。