If the double quotation mark is the outermost quote, all variables are expanded.
A double quotation mark (") is missing at the end of the string being echo-ed.
Use of double quotation mark delimiters on Linux and UNIX-based systems is recommended.
This explains why an unmatched single or double quotation mark causes a new prompt to appear.
Backslashes are interpreted literally, unless they immediately precede a double quotation mark.
To view the available Windows in a session in a menu-like interface, click Ctrl-a, then the double quotation mark (") key in the current window."
按Ctrl -a,然后在当前窗口中按双引号键(“),就可以看到会话中可用窗口的列表。”
In Windows, each inner double quotation mark must be cancelled with a backslash that is within the brace surrounded by double quotation marks in the JSON form.
在Windows 中,每一个内部双引号都必须由一个斜划线取消,该斜划线由JSON格式的双引号所包围。
First, you can mix single and double quotation marks when creating a string, as long as the string USES the same type of quotation mark at the beginning and end.
The strings I've been creating using the single, double, or triple quotation mark syntax are still string objects.
Array for every pair of backslashes, and the double-quotation mark is interpreted as a string delimiter.
Array for every pair of backslashes, and the double-quotation mark is interpreted as a string delimiter.