Sometimes you need to escape a double quote.
So the double quote says here comes the input.
A backslash can escape a double quote, or any single whitespace character.
You can't use double quote in the table name. Please elimenate the double quote .
Conversely, the double quote can be used if the value begins with a single quote.
This regular expression matches the opening double quote but finds a different type of quote to close it.
When there is a double quote at the beginning of a string, any characters after the second double quote are discarded.
Replace the single quotes used for the expr attribute with double quotes, and then escape the double quote (") characters to ".
Using the quotes as shown here has the advantage that not visible spaces/tabs after last double quote are ignored by command processor.
Also, when you type an open parenthesis or double quote, Eclipse will provide its partner automatically and place the cursor inside the pair.
Double quotes the location and number of double quote marks in a field in a TAB delimited file affect how they are handled when the file is imported.
This means, inside single quoted strings, the single quote character has to be escaped, and inside double quoted strings, the double quote character has to be escaped.
If the double quotation mark is the outermost quote, all variables are expanded.
If possible, make sure your format doesn't accept any characters that have syntactic meaning in SQL (such as double-quote and semicolon).
The character sequence \ represents a backslash escaped single quote 'in MySQL, but in DB2, a single quote must be escaped by adding another single quote "(double single quotes)."
在MySQL中,字符序列\表示一个反斜杠转移单引号',但在DB 2中,单引号必须要再加一个单引号来实现转义' '(即两个单引号)。
Either single or double quotation marks can enclose strings, which permits quotes that contain quote marks or apostrophes.
One important use of the vertical bar as a statement separator is in commenting. Vimscript comments start with a double-quote and continue to the end of the line, like so.
If the value contains both a semicolon and a double-quote character, the value can be enclosed in single quotes.
If the value contains both single-quote and double-quote characters, the quote character used to enclose the value must be doubled each time it occurs within the value.
If the value contains both single-quote and double-quote characters, the quote character used to enclose the value must be doubled each time it occurs within the value.