She looked up, then did a double take when she saw my dress and makeup.
If you run 20 miles now, and want to double up, it will only take you about two months.
Selection capture, coming after you've set up your screen just the way you like it, allows you to take your time to mark out and alter the region before double-clicking it to take the final shot.
Do not take a double dose of this medication. Do not double up the dose to catch up.
And even if you think you are doing great by having 5 servings per day, you still need to double that (take 2-3 weeks to work your way up to 10 servings per day).
即使你觉得每天吃到5人份已经很厉害了,还要将其加倍(用2 - 3周的时间继续至每天10人份)。
A single DNA double helix with this many genes is about 1000 times too long to fit inside a bacterial cell without being condensed somehow in order to take up less space.
Pay-off strand, stranding cartage, compact die stand, counter meter, double draught wheels, take up and traverse device, mechanical transmission system and electrical control system.
Pay-off strand, stranding cartage, compact die stand, counter meter, double draught wheels, take up and traverse device, mechanical transmission system and electrical control system.