Once appear campus food hygiene security incident, will for the first time rapid response and timely report, timely and accurate down to the loss disposal, minimum degree.
When people are given a specific task to do, they focus on that task, but then other brain regions get busy during down time, the researchers report in Friday's issue of the journal Science.
So far I have been gathering all the things I need, but now it's time to get down to business and begin working on the report.
我正在浏览其中最重要或最有趣的故事。 我们经常浏览一份报告了解信息是如何被组织整理的,然后我们再回头仔细阅读它。
Right up until I left for the airport, my boss was there... breathing down my neck the whole time. 'Yes, boss, I finished the report.
Tuesday's report from China's statistics bureau says falling food prices helped push overall prices down for the first time since December of 2002.
Report on duty in office and sign in on time, receive afternoon tasks from your supervisor and check special work for evening turn-down service. Then go to your working area as soon as possible.
Report on duty in office and sign in on time, receive afternoon tasks from your supervisor and check special work for evening turn-down service. Then go to your working area as soon as possible.