Where possible we also like the flexibility to buy put options at the market index level, again for downside protection.
The Fed provides downside protection and there is no effective limit on the amount or nature of risks that the private financial sector can take.
These securities have a variety of protections-such as liquidation preferences and voting rights-that provide VCs with downside protection and control.
It dumped $4.4 billion into Merrill last December at $48 per share, but a downside protection clause meant the firm would make money even if the stock plunged to $24.
Convertible bonds Convertible bonds can be viewed as offering investors the best of both worlds - access to the upside potential of equities, but with a similar level of downside protection to bonds.
Convertible bonds Convertible bonds can be viewed as offering investors the best of both worlds - access to the upside potential of equities, but with a similar level of downside protection to bonds.