The drachma disappeared, replaced by the euro when Greece joined the single European currency.
Its revenues would be in devalued drachma; its debts in euro.
The new drachma would plummet, making Greece’s debt burden even more onerous.
The word "dram" translates into English as "money", and is cognate with the Greek drachma.
In theory, with a new drachma and its own central bank, Greece could devalue and gain competitiveness.
Even returning to the drachma could cause severe disruptions and even more money will flee the country.
The devaluation of the drachma against the euro would turn any debts that remained in euros into a crippling burden.
Depositors would rush to pull their money out of Greek Banks to protect their savings from being converted into new drachma.
Greece in 2009 might well have defaulted, abandoning the euro and adopting the old drachma again at a deeply depreciated rate.
The existence of the euro means that there are no George Soros-type speculators able to organise runs on the lira, peseta or drachma.
And, having accepted billions in euro-denominated loans, the Greek debt burden would immediately increase if Greece reinstated the less valuable drachma.
ICAP executives say their drachma project could be used as a roadmap for how to prepare for an outcome involving multiple currencies exiting the euro.
Greek citizens would probably try to maintain the euro as a unit of account and means of exchange, leading to parallel circulation of the drachma and the euro.
The real trouble comes after the default, when Greece has to make a choice about whether it stays in the euro or it takes its chances and moves back to the drachma.
If Greece had got into trouble outside the euro, the drachma would have fallen, creating an external offsetting boost to the economy by making exports cheaper and curbing imports.
If Greece stormed out, and damn the law, as it might yet have to do, it would suffer a run on its Banks, as depositors withdrew euros before they were forcibly converted into devalued new drachma.
If Greece stormed out, and damn the law, as it might yet have to do, it would suffer a run on its Banks, as depositors withdrew euros before they were forcibly converted into devalued new drachma.