What we must do is make a draft plan.
You just go ahead and work out a draft plan.
There is a draft plan that describes these extensions.
The plan department said it is not feasible to produce draft plan at this stage.
Rather, you: Make some sort of draft plan, execute it, adjust and improve and then re-execute.
The Draft Plan provides for an increase of some11per cent in the total value of industrial output.
With a series of Journal of 1, according to the source and edit views, put forward draft plan, with the consent of the editor.
The draft plan to gradually defer the retirement age is expected to be released this year, and we will solicit public opinions.
The draft plan to gradually defer 7 the retirement age is expected to be released this year, and we will solicit 8 public opinions.
Your views will be taken into consideration as we prepare the draft plan and proposed budget for submission to the Health Assembly in May.
The debtor or administrator shall give an explanation of the draft plan for reorganization at the creditors' meeting and answer inquiries.
Article 80 Where it is the debtor who manages his own property and business operations, a draft plan for reorganization shall be formulated by the debtor.
Article 85 Representatives of the capital contributors of a debtor may, as non-voting participants, attend the creditors' meeting to discuss a draft plan for reorganization.
The present National Conference should discuss this draft plan conscientiously in the light of our practical experience so as to make it relatively sound in content and therefore workable.
China will strive to integrate its regional cable TV operators and work out a draft plan of its national cablevision network firm which is considered an uphill task due to regulatory overlap.
I'll plan to get you a draft of the paper by next Friday.
Apart from the draft medium-term strategic plan and the proposed programme budget, the items before this Board cover only a selection of WHO activities.
Providing a draft "offer" letter that can be sent to the host's customers on the host's letterhead will help put the plan into motion quickly.
However, the Selective Service System remains in place as a contingency plan; men between the ages of 18 and 25 are required to register so that a draft can be readily resumed if needed.
然而,选征兵役制作为意外事故防范计划还保留着。 法律规定年纪18-25的公民必须进行登记注册,以备紧急需要时能迅速恢复义务兵役。
This is the draft medium-term strategic plan for 2008 to 2013, which includes the proposed programme budget for the 2008 to 2009 biennium.
这就是2008 - 2013中期战略性计划草案,该草案包括2008 - 2009双年度规划预算方案。
The draft bill is expected to be released later in the year, but the plan has yet to be discussed by ministers.
The draft containment plan, developed through international consultation, is going onto our web site by the end of this week and will be finalized very shortly.
This would make an IPCC target of reducing global emissions by 25-40% by 2020 unrealisable, which is why India's negotiators insisted that the target be removed from a draft of the Bali Action Plan.
You have before you the proposed programme budget for 2008 and 2009 and the draft medium-term strategic plan.
There were misgivings about consummating the lightning-quick deal, but on Sunday morning, J.P. Morgan sent Bear Stearns a rough draft of a merger plan with the share price left blank.
There were misgivings about consummating the lightning-quick deal, but on Sunday morning, J.P. Morgan sent Bear Stearns a rough draft of a merger plan with the share price left blank.