You will make a fine dragoon, young man.
When we saved Honest John and his dragoon?
The big dragoon was as helpless as a baby.
Airship Dragoon has been updated to version 1.62.
Yes, the Stalkers are worthy replacements of the Dragoon.
And you can expect Dragoon to focus on poorly defended areas.
And then a few years ago, they may favor dragoon, and then to now is a hero.
The Dragoon itself is a difficult unit to balance because it is both fast and ranged.
The looter: Capt. Gunter (pictured) of the King Dragoon guards raided the palace in 1860
Guardsman lee Williams 18 is one of the desert rats 'royal Scots dragoon guards battle group.
"Sir" said the valet de chambre entering the room "a dragoon has brought this despatch from the minister of the interior. "
Who could have ever expected that a dragoon would drink sixpenny ale, smoke horrid bird's-eye tobacco, and let his wife wear a shabby bonnet?
Capt Gunter, of the Kings Dragoon Guards, seized a number of relics from the emperors' Summer Palace during the Anglo-French allied invasion in 1860.
Engraving: Capt James Gunter of the King Dragoon guards raided the Imperial palace in 1860 and was so proud of his actions he even engraved the details unde.
Dragoon: (1501 ~ 2000) in late 16th-century Europe, a mounted soldier who fought as a light cavalryman on attack and as a dismounted infantryman on defense.
龙骑兵:(1501 ~ 2000)在16世纪后期的欧洲,进攻时骑马作战,防御时下马成为普通步兵的一种骑兵。
In this state they set forth with the sharp rain driving in their faces: clattering at a heavy dragoon trot over the uneven town pavement and out upon the mire-deep roads.
他们就像这样冒着打在面颊上的急雨出发了。 马蹄踏着龙骑兵式的沉重步伐在市镇的凹凸不平的街道上和市外深深的泥泞里吧哒吧哒走着。
In this state they set forth with the sharp rain driving in their faces: clattering at a heavy dragoon trot over the uneven town pavement and out upon the mire-deep roads.
他们就像这样冒着打在面颊上的急雨出发了。 马蹄踏着龙骑兵式的沉重步伐在市镇的凹凸不平的街道上和市外深深的泥泞里吧哒吧哒走着。