Like most parents, I am dreading the day she is gone, when I'll lose my daily contact with her, and am hoping that she calls regularly.
Instead of entering middle age and letting himself be chained to earth, he has floated away like a wisp, annihilated on the brink of a 50-date concert tour that I for one was dreading.
I closed my eyes, dreading the hopelessness of my situation.
"I closed my eyes, dreading the hopelessness of my situation."
I've never been a clock-watcher, but this place is turning me into one: I can't wait to get out of here at the end of the day, and spend every Sunday dreading Monday.
"This is what the city is supposed to be about," I thought, 4 dreading the morning to come and all the uncertainty it held.
So as another year went by, I started dreading Christmas.
"Now the grandparents" I closed my eyes, dreading the hopelessness of my situation.
The week's out of school suspension was a wonderful hiatus, and we got a lot accomplished that week. However, the week soon came to an end, and I began dreading his return.
I went to your wedding although I was dreading the thought of losing you.
"Now the grandparents..." I closed my eyes, dreading the hopelessness of my situation.
I was dreading the next day because I knew we wouldn't have any macaroni at home.
After reading some of the reviews on here I was actually dreading my stay at this hotel but I found the rooms ( 3 ) we had well above what I expected.
All morning I was dreading lunch, fearing his bizarre glares.
Oh, like I wasn't dreading tomorrow enough, having to give it back to him…
I have learned to live each day as it comes and not to borrow trouble by dreading the morrow8.
I have learned to live each day as it comes and not to borrow trouble by dreading the morrow8.