Two seats at the dress circle.
Do you like seats in the stalls or in the dress circle?
你是喜欢正厅前排的座位还是喜欢花楼的座位? ?
May include stalls, private boxes, dress circle, balcony or upper circle, and gallery.
For an anniversary present Stuart took me to the opera and we had seats in the dress circle.
For an anniversary present Stuart took me to the opera and we had seats in the dress circle.
Floor levels in a large auditorium May include stalls, private boxes, dress circle, balcony or upper circle, and gallery.
On Christmas night, a dozen girls piled onto the bed which was the dress circle, and sat before the blue and yellow chintz curtains in a most flattering state of expectancy.
With references to the Peking Opera, two armed figures circle each other warily as, oblivious to their presence, actors in period uniforms and contemporary dress enter the theatrical arena.
With references to the Peking Opera, two armed figures circle each other warily as, oblivious to their presence, actors in period uniforms and contemporary dress enter the theatrical arena.