One panellist even drew a parallel with Drexel Burnham Lambert, an investment bank that went from best to bust in short order 20 years ago.
Mr Matthews hired a team from Drexel Burnham Lambert, the failed investment bank associated with Michael Milken, the junk bond king, and created AIG Financial Products (AIGFP).
马休雇佣了一个来自德崇证券(Drexel Burnham Lambert)的团队,并创建了AIG金融产品公司(AIGFP)。德崇证券是一家与垃圾债券之王迈克尔o米尔肯(MichaelMilken)相关的、破了产的投资银行。
They had to deal with crises such as the failures of Drexel Burnham Lambert, which dominated the junk-bond market, and Baring Brothers, a British bank brought low by a rogue trader.
他们必须对付很多危机,比如曾在垃圾债券市场独占鳌头的Drexel Burnham Lambert丑闻,由于一个不肖交易员而使得英国的霸菱银行损失惨重的事件等。
The exuberant junk-bond era of the 1980s, when high-yielding debt securities fuelled a wave of takeovers, ended with the bankruptcy in 1990 of Drexel Burnham Lambert, which had dominated the market.
The exuberant junk-bond era of the 1980s, when high-yielding debt securities fuelled a wave of takeovers, ended with the bankruptcy in 1990 of Drexel Burnham Lambert, which had dominated the market.