Soon, a waiter came in to confirm our services and take orders for drinks and foods (all complimentary).
Also, 60 minutes of daily exercise and avoiding stimulants, such as caffeine, chocolate and white sugar found in drinks and foods.
PepsiCo's plan for its foods and drinks is based on guidelines from the World Health Organisation, which last week backed using taxes on sparkling drinks to reduce sugar consumption.
Sour cherries are used in foods and drinks.
Stop buying soft drinks and junk foods.
You will see Peruvian clothes, dances, and taste their delicious foods and drinks.
The doctor told him to stay away from such foods and drinks.
In 2005 the Institute of Medicine found that television advertising influenced young children to prefer unhealthy foods and drinks.
It can also be found in certain foods and drinks, such as livers and eggs.
Many packaged foods and drinks look as if they provide one serving are actually meant to serve two or more people.
Earlier this month Kraft Foods opened its first factory in the area, making chocolate and powdered drinks.
Avoiding foods high in fat, sugar, salt and calories, along with sugary drinks, can reduce the risk of cancer, as can limiting our consumption of meats, especially processed meats.
People become used to foods and drinks tasting a certain way, and they won’t or can’t adapt to a new flavor.
A study review in the British dental Journal (BDJ) found that sugar-free foods and drinks contain acidic additives that may cause dental problems by eroding the enamel on consumers' teeth.
If you completely cut out foods and drinks that you love, you'll only set yourself up to go on a binge of those items later.
It's in our drinks, it's in our foods, and it's hidden in places we never would think of.
This include foods such as pasta, fruits, breads, energy bars and drinks.
Software giant Microsoft will open a shop in Paris, selling drinks and fast foods instead of electronic products, local media reported.
Probiotics are tiny organisms, usually bacteria, which occur naturally in some foods (such as yoghurt) and are added to others (such as milk and soya drinks).
If plaque isn't removed every day, it can turn the sugars found in most foods and drinks into acids that lead to decay.
Sugared drinks balloon your calorie intake and squeeze out more nutritious foods.
Like many these days, Shiva sits around too much, eating rich, fatty foods and sipping sugary drinks.
While this was the first study to look specifically at the effects of hot drinks on cold and flu symptoms, others have looked at hot foods like chicken soup and had similar results.
Fructose, found naturally in honey and fruit, is used widely in foods ranging from soft drinks to yogurt.
Arranging a visit to Scotland must include a sampling of the foods and drinks that have made Scotland a culinary delight to visit.
"Americans are eating more and more processed foods such as carbonated drinks, baked goods, canned fruits, jams and dairy products that contain fructose," Werman said.
Eat healthy foods, and limit alcohol drinks.
With or without meat, filling up on fruits and vegetables instead of sweets, high-fat snack foods, high-sugar drinks and alcohol make weight control easier.
One of the joys of travel is trying out the different exotic foods, such as those that appear in my 52 Tips for Weird food and Drinks.
One of the joys of travel is trying out the different exotic foods, such as those that appear in my 52 Tips for Weird food and Drinks.