Tice found that a large proportion of men cool down by going for a drive—a finding that inspired her to drive more defensively.
It is a three-hour drive but can be reached by a 20-minute hop in a private helicopter.
The turning disc is connected by a drive belt to an electric motor.
She could drive unimpeded by slow-moving traffic.
He was killed by three shots to the head in a drive-by shooting.
To Microsoft's critics, the fates of Wunderlist and Sunrise are examples of a remorseless drive by Big Tech to chew up any innovative companies that lie in their path.
By the way, do you also need me to drive you home tomorrow afternoon?
You can create the directory anywhere on the server or a connected file drive by specifying a full path.
But she kept calling back, urging us to at least drive by.
Genetically, this made sense when you didn't know if your next meal would be tomorrow or a week from now, but when your next meal is whenever you drive by a fast-food restaurant, that's a problem.
Sometimes I drive by his house for the hell of it.
This may be out of tune with the stated drive by the International Football Federation (FIFA) for "sustainability".
You know that something like this is a possibility in any such situation, so in reality it is easier on your conscience to drive by and not even give him the crackers.
Do you like that new car you saw drive by?
But this relates more to a general drive by Barclays to get out of less profitable businesses than a reflection on Russia.
"But every time I drive by here you have the 'no vacancy' sign on." said the salesman.
This key in our brain allows us to save room on our hard drive by deleting memories that become irrelevant over time.
Some toolkits also offer "drive-by download". This turns a website into a trap that hijacks visitors' computers (or phones), even if they have not clicked on anything.
In terms of impact, the financial crisis has behaved, roughly, like the economic equivalent of a drive-by shooting.
Public schools, seen as symbols of Bangkok's rule, suffer repeated arson attacks and drive-by shootings of teachers. Southern Thailand is now among the most lethal conflicts in South-East Asia.
Sometimes we drive by our old apartment which is just five minutes away, and my four year old always says, "I don't like our new home, Mommy, I like our old home better."
The overhaul is part of a drive by Mr. Whitacre to accelerate decision-making and turn GM into a leaner, nimbler company.
Thousands of cheering South Koreans lined the streets of the capital to watch Obama's motorcade drive by - giving him the warmest welcome of his four-nation tour of Asia.
Some of the places I've listed are always safe — no drive-by shootings on Sesame Street — but in most cases, danger and evil are ever-present.
Baumann says all of the basketball teams participating in the World Championship games will sign a declaration that commits them to play and drive by the rules.
But I hadn't seen them drive by.
The design also includes a drive-by-wire system, which replaces mechanical with electronic systems, and low-voltage lighting technologies like electroluminescent or flexible LED strips.
Hospitality sites are struggling to satisfy this drive-by traffic; search engines drove the most visitors (56%), so aligning site content with the top search keywords is of Paramount importance.
The drive-by attack appeared to be a new tactic for the militants.
The drive-by attack appeared to be a new tactic for the militants.