This helps prevent you from being a victim of the "drive-by download."
这有助于防止你从一个受害者“驱动下载” 。
Some toolkits also offer "drive-by download". This turns a website into a trap that hijacks visitors' computers (or phones), even if they have not clicked on anything.
The final stop for a Web victim includes a drive-by download attempt after the malware checks for vulnerabilities in the browser, Adobe or Quicktime software on the user's desktop.
Say, for example, you want to start a movie download so it's done by the time you get home, or E-mail someone an important document you left on your PC hard drive.
The clue is a new menu item titled "Download Google Drive" that's disabled by default.
According to a study conducted by Forrester Research, three of four factors most likely to drive repeat visitors to a web site were design related: ease of use, download time, and freshness.
根据Forrester Research(一家电子商务领域的专业调查公司)的调查显示,引来回头客的可能因素中,四分之三都和设计相关:使用的便捷性,页面下载的时长以及新鲜感。
According to a study conducted by Forrester Research, three of four factors most likely to drive repeat visitors to a web site were design related: ease of use, download time, and freshness.
根据Forrester Research(一家电子商务领域的专业调查公司)的调查显示,引来回头客的可能因素中,四分之三都和设计相关:使用的便捷性,页面下载的时长以及新鲜感。